Monday, November 19, 2007

"Or Else"

"Or Else"
by Antonya Nelson

Rating: 7.9

Short story about a thirty-nine-year-old man taking his girlfriend to a house in Telluride for the weekend. “My family owns a house in Telluride,” was his favorite, most useful line. Danielle was perhaps different from the other women he’d brought here.

1 comment:

dan said...

the practical question this story raises is, to what extent do we lie?

a favorite line:

David Chalmers was a liar by nature and, now, by long habit.

sidenote: the David Chalmers?

if consciousness is a measure of absence ... is consciousness a lie? a secret? a surprise?

another favorite line:

"... I'd rather visit my weird situation than hear about yours. I loved Franklin because, when we talked, I always felt as if we were wandering around in a big house, a big house with endless rooms, and every time we came to a closed door in one of those rooms we were able to open it. Open doors, open doors, one after another. That's why I loved him."